Obama knows Basketball, so you dont have to.

Posted on 19 April 2009

It’s a pretty well know fact, I know nothing of sports. I don’t play them, I don’t watch them. In fact I’m pretty sure my 3 year old son knows more about sports then I do (but hey at least I still beat him on that potty trained thing). Most of the time, it doesn’t much matter. However, every March I run into trouble.

Every March my boss makes everyone in the department (all 5 of us) fill out March Madness brackets. And every year we all complain, since only one of us follows sports at all. And every year we all end up doing them anyway. So the first year, I just picked at random. I put a lot of stock in Xavier, thinking “Hey, the xmen have to rock at basket ball”. Turns out Xavier’s “School for gifted Mutants” doesn’t even rank (probably busy saving the world or being filled with angst) and the Xavier listed kinda sucks. So that year went badly. The next year the site had the odds built in. So I just followed whatever the site told me was more likely to win. Pretty easy. I did well, didn’t win, but ended up pretty close. The boss was impressed.

So now March rolls around again, and I’m all ready to play it safe. To my horror , the website no longer provides the odds built in. Well not horror, more like mild annoyance, but that seems boring, so let us stick with horror. Anyway, I was lost as what to do. I found a few web sites, desperately searching for ideas, but nothing that really matched my needs. But then the heavens smiled on me and I found this (or technically my buddy Mike did):


Its Presidents Obama picks. In these troubled times, it’s good to know that we can look to one man for guidance to rescue our economy, restore our country’s honor AND tell us who is going to win March Madness. Talk about a full service president. I’m am totally “borrowing” Obama’s picks. I mean, heck, even if I end up losing, I can just blame George Bush. 🙂

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